The temperature's dropping and autumn's around the corner. I have plenty of green tomatoes on the vine, so it's a race against time to see if they turn red, otherwise they're destined to be turned into green tomato chutney like Monty Dons did this year.
But some are turning red, and I'm enjoying every single one. Here's my biggest harvest so far:
moneymaker tomatoes
gardeners delight tomatoes
san marzano
red cherry
To let the sun get to the tomatoes, I've cut back lots of the big leaves.
Oh good! Somebody else who's watching the last toms like a hawk!
I'm very fond of green tomato chutney, but I do think there'll be rather a lot this year. But if I leave it just a little bit longer.... and cut off a few more leaves... and if we get a bit more warmth...
Oh good! Somebody else who's watching the last toms like a hawk!
ReplyDeleteI'm very fond of green tomato chutney, but I do think there'll be rather a lot this year. But if I leave it just a little bit longer.... and cut off a few more leaves... and if we get a bit more warmth...