Seren's new favourite pastime: sitting on her little wooden stool on her little knitted blanket, watching the birds. She loves it, and she makes funny little happy chirping noises, as if she's imitating the birds. It's so cute. Here she is:
I put a little poster by her stool, to make sure she knows that she should be a bird watcher, not a bird eater:
Also it should help her (and me!) identify the birds that are coming into the garden. There seem to be more than normal, they're busy eating the honeysuckle berries:
I also noticed that from the seeds I've put on the birdtable, they seem to be leaving the black sunflower seeds. I mostly only see magpies, blackbirds and sparrows in our garden, which is interesting as when I look at my bird chart is says those birds aren't really interested in black sunflower seeds. I need to get some blue tits and chaffinches in my garden!
i love the noise of kittys watching birds! i love the poster too.x